Built in 1932, this Tudor-style house began its long history during the booming heyday of St. Petersburg’s development. Many families and businesses have come and gone over the years, and today she stands the worse for wear. Thankfully, her bones are good and PLUME will soon be restored to her deserving shine.

The house, though in disrepair, was the reason we fell in love with the property where 2Birds now calls home. She retains all her original charm, hardwood floors, central fireplace, built in’s, and tall ceilings. This character can’t be replicated and we knew she had more stories to tell. The warehouse on the property allowed us to move in and continue operating 2Birds Events while we formulated the plans for the house.

Naming her PLUME seemed fitting, as by definition, Plume is an ornamental feather and with 2Birds Events operating in her backyard, she truly is our ornamental feather, our PLUME!

Our plan is to create a space for creating and collaborating. An inspiring atmosphere for people to gather for Floral Design workshops and learn the art of designing with nature.


social house

Coming Soon…

follow along @2birdsevents

full-service floral & event design company focused on creating dimensional, wildly refined floral design

4930 8th Ave S. Gulfport, FL 33707